Investment organisation

Creaspac, with the support of Creades’ investment organisation, will work actively to find target companies that are deemed to be suitable for development in a listed environment. Creades’ investment organisation consists of experienced, competent persons. They have extensive experience in investment advice and company financing, and most of them hold board positions in both listed and unlisted companies.

John Hedberg

John Hedberg

  • Employed in Creades since 2016
  • Previous positions: Partner NC Advisory, CEO Relacom AB, Business development and puschasing executive at Bonnier Dagstidningar, Management consultant McKinsey & Co
  • Board member in Avanza Bank, Avanza Bank Holding, Instabee and StickerApp
  • Earlier board member in Acne Studios, Avanza fonder, Avanza Pension, Chassi Group, Lindab, Mentimeter, Note, Stabelo and Pricerunner
  • M.Sc. in economic at Handelshögskolan in Stockholm
Erik Törnberg

Erik Törnberg

  • Employed in Creades since 2004 (through Öresund)
  • Previous positions: Investment manager at Investment AB Öresund and AB Custos
  • Board member at Avanza Fonder, Kreditz and Stabelo
  • Earlier board member in Carnegie, eWork,, Kaching, Klarna, Röhnisch, Tink and Transcom
  • M.Sc. in economic at Handelshögskolan in Stockholm
Jonas Hagströmer

Jonas Hagströmer

  • Employed in Creades since 2012
  • Previous positions: Associate and analyst at Keystone Advisers (today named MCF Corporate Finance) and other positions in e-commerce businesses
  • Chairman of the board at Inet AB and Inet Holding AB
  • Board member at Apolea Holding (Apotea), Avanza Bank, Avanza Bank Holding and StickerApp
  • M.Sc. in economic at Lunds Universitet
Anders Hillerberg

Anders Hillerborg

• Employed in Creades since 2017
• Previous positions: Equity analyst at ABG Sundal Collier
• Board member in Inet AB and Inet Holding AB
• M. Sc. in economic at Handelshögskolan in Stockholm

Daniel Albin

Daniel Albin

  • Employed in Creades since 2022
  • Previous positions: Equity analyst at SEB and Danske Bank
  • B.Sc Handelshögskolan at Göteborgs University